碧溪上钓鱼论坛's Archiver


在现就职的台资企业已工作满4年,从一名技术员做到高级工程师,后转职做管理,有丰富的产品开发和品质保证经验。在研发工程部两年,负责产品C流程开发,曾同时负责开发兼改良13款产品,中途接手一款在英国客诉连连而被退柜的产品,经过35项设计改良,顺利出货英国和美国,至今销量稳定。两年后调任品保部,任职高级品质工程师,负责专项工程品质组,主导若干五金、包材、塑胶专案,辅导工程建立正确的选材标准,并主导制定、修订原物料接收检验基准,制定对口的测试方案,协助实验室设备建构,而后调任QE高级工程师主导客诉分析与处理,公司成立SQE后,调任SQE高级工程师负责供应商资格审查、协助供应商攻克质量难题、提高供应商出货品质,后从技术职转管理职,任职进料品管课课长兼SQE课长,管理60人的团队,负责全公司的进料检验以及200多家供应商的管理,熟悉各种原物料,到过200家以上的供应商进行评估、稽核与辅导。 2007/3-2009/3期间,任职研发工程三部,主要负责电动代步车、助步车、轮椅的专案C流程开发,从EP-FEP-PP-AfterMP,包括接案后的3D转2D工程图作业,E-BOM制作汇总,管模五金模塑胶模以及焊接模具发包,检治具需求,试模以及制作零组件确认书,EP产品试组,测试,包装设计,计算装柜量,发行F-BOM,指导现场FEP,发行PP试产图,制作组装SOP等一系列流程直至完成试产并转入量产。




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The taiwan-owned enterprise in now is working already work full four years from a technician, senior engineer, it after transition do management, has the rich product development and quality assurance experience. In two years, responsible for product development department, has also developed the C process is responsible for the development and improvement 13 product, midway took over a paragraph in Britain was repeatedly aftersale refund ark product, after 35 item improved design, smooth shipment since Britain and America, selling steadily. Two years later transferred the quality assurance, in high quality engineer, responsible for special engineering quality group, leading some hardware, packaging material, plastic project, establishing the correct guidance engineering materials standards, and dominate the formulation and revision of the original material receiving inspection standards, formulate appropriate test plan, assist lab equipment construction, and then transfer QE senior engineer leading aftersale analysis and processing, the company established after the SQE, relocation SQE senior engineer responsible for the supplier qualification examination, assist supplier quality problems, increase supplier read after shipment quality, from technical job position, turn management positions incoming quality control class section chief and SQE classes, management the 60 team, responsible for all of the company's incoming inspection and 200 supplier management, familiar with all kinds of raw materials, to more than 200 supplier assessment, audit and guidance.
2007/3-2009/3 period, office three part, main research projects for electric transportation vehicles, help step of car, wheelchair, from project C process development FEP - PP - EP - AfterMP, including after the arrest turn 2D engineering drawings homework 3D, E - BOM preparation collection, GuanMo hardware molded plastic mold and welded mould contract awarding, prosecutors fixture demand, try mold and making components confirmation, EP products try group, testing, packaging design, calculation outfit ark volume, issuing F - BOM, guide field FEP, issuing PP trial-produce figure, making a series of flow assembly SOP to until complete trial-produce and mass-production.
2009 - present, initial four senior quality engineer, responsible for the post of special project quality group projects, aluminium, leading iron pipe lean processing technology projects, fasteners project, cartons, project, spring project, rivets project, stainless steel project, plastic materials project, and other important project, counselling engineering establishing the correct selection standards, and dominate the revised the original material receiving inspection standards, formulate appropriate test plan, assist lab for equipment construction, and then transfer QE senior engineer leading aftersale analysis and processing, founded SQE, and after senior engineer responsible for the supplier transferred SQE credentials, assist to conquer supplier quality problems, increase supplier delivery quality, from the technical post after turn management job, in feeding qa class section chief and SQE classes, management the 60 team, responsible for all of the company's feeding and 200 supplier management, experience, familiar with all kinds of solid materials standards, to more than 200 supplier evaluation audit and guidance.


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